New Features

CCP facelift

In our never ending quest to improve our software, we have today successfully rolled out a new version of Case Centre Pro with a new updates, new features, and improved searching. New look If you are using an Apple Mac, then the software will automatically adjust it’s style to look like Mac buttons, Mac input … Read more

How does a busy business owner enjoy a spa hotel?

Many busy business owners would love to find a spa hotel in order to unwind, however, one consideration is always the office interruption and ensuring that their business is continuing in their absence. This can frequently lead to worry and constant phone calls. Well this can be simply avoided. When the business uses Case Centre … Read more

New GDPR Data Policy

In readiness for the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) laws that are coming in later this month, we have updated and published our updated data policies on our website for openness. Case Centre Pro has been GDPR Compliant for a number of months, so if you are not using a compliant system, switch to … Read more

Halloween Trick And Treat

halloween icon

Small businesses think that bespoke software is scarily expensive and is not affordable.  Well it needn’t be.  This Halloween, don’t miss this trick and treat your business to our bespoke modular rented software for your industry sector so that your business can grow to the next level.  With pricing from only €40 or £35 plus … Read more

Storm Ophelia Hits Ireland

As storm Ophelia batters Ireland we took the decision to test our disaster plans in case of total country to country communication infrastructure failure. This is a semi technical article explaining what we set out to achieve, how we carried out the test, and our findings. The Test Plan To simulate the loss of Ireland … Read more

Happy New Year

ccp new year

We would like to take the opportunity to wish you and your business colleagues every success during 2017. In order to help businesses to that success, Case Centre Pro can help any enterprise regardless of size where you send an engineer, technician or handyman to your clients premises.  Give your regular clients free access to … Read more

Revised Versions for Small Businesses

In wanting to help small businesses with their data needs, we have revised our software editions to better match the functionality of Case Centre Pro with those of a small business. We now have four editions available, Lite, Standard, Professional and Enterprise in every industry sector. With new monthly low pricing for Lite, this makes … Read more

New Case Management System Software Prices

Case Center Pro Logo

Case Centre Pro – Case Management System We have updated our pricing from the 1st October 2016 for Case Centre Pro, our on-line cloud case management system for small and medium sized businesses.  The new pricing will allow smaller support and maintenance businesses the same access to software that the large corporates use, but, at a … Read more

New Mobile Web App

Mobile CCP

We launched today a new version of our case management system, Case Centre Pro, that has a built in web app to allow maintenance staff, engineers and staff on the road at client premises access to the central database system with the intention of updating the history of cases in real time. Improving Customer Relationships … Read more

Case Management Software Versions

Our current versions of our case management system of Lite, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Platinum Plus for Case Centre Pro looks like it is too complex across multiple industry sectors and difficult to understand and choose.  We are therefore going to adopt a simpler version for each industry sector as follows… Lite Lite is aimed at … Read more

How To Demo Videos

We have today added a number of non technical How To videos to YouTube to assist users with their first steps with our online Case Centre Pro case management software for the maintenance industry. Demo Videos We additionally have created a demo page containing a list of all the videos. More videos to come…

New Feature Modules

CRM Reports

We have been busy over the last month or so, expanding the feature modules available to perform various functions.  This will help to enhance the already rich feature set of Case Centre Pro for all industry sectors. Additional Features Built-in reporting Service Level Agreement Warnings Up to 250 business customers Programmable Macros Solutions Knowledge Base … Read more

Case Centre Pro Launch

Mark Andrew Smith Limited today announces that it will rebrand its own help desk support system software and call it Case Centre Pro. Versions There will be a number of versions of Case Centre Pro all focused on particular industry sectors.  However, our initial version will be focused on the IT Support industry sector where … Read more