Helping Small Businesses

We love helping small businesses.  We love helping them to flourish by helping them to take orders and improve sales via their website.


Case Centre Pro compliments any website by converting that order into a case task for any maintenance business to carry out by sending engineers to site.  Case Centre Pro’s database then becomes core to the daily tasks carried out by engineers within the business, essentially keeping them busy with a steady stream of work.

Repeat Sales

Using the in-built diary function ensures that future reminders can be quoted upon at the correct time, converted into more sales, and repeat business.  All this can be automated, ensuring engineering time is not tied up in admin, and the most made of their billable time.

Self Sign Up

Did you know that you can self sign up to Case Centre Pro and get a free demo and feel for the system?  No, well then click here, sign up then add your first “dummy” client and have a go.  If there is anything you need assistance on, we are only a phone call away.

#HelpingSmallBusinesses #ImprovingSales #GettingRepeatSales #CaseManagementSoftware #CaseManagementSystems

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