New Features

CCP facelift

In our never ending quest to improve our software, we have today successfully rolled out a new version of Case Centre Pro with a new updates, new features, and improved searching. New look If you are using an Apple Mac, then the software will automatically adjust it’s style to look like Mac buttons, Mac input … Read more

Halloween Trick And Treat

halloween icon

Small businesses think that bespoke software is scarily expensive and is not affordable.  Well it needn’t be.  This Halloween, don’t miss this trick and treat your business to our bespoke modular rented software for your industry sector so that your business can grow to the next level.  With pricing from only €40 or £35 plus … Read more

Case Centre Pro for Software Development and Maintenance

bug and enhancement list software

Today we added a new version of Case Centre Pro for the Software Development and Maintenance sector. Software Development Software development has changed in recent years, some companies adopting RAD (rapid application development), others sticking with the traditional Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Maintenance cycle.  In either case, it is typical that the software maintenance staff … Read more