Updates November 2017

Case Centre Pro Logo

We released today a minor update to Case Centre Pro, rolling up an irritation, some minor feature requests, and an intermittent coding error.  Overall these minor updates will be well received.  Read on if you wish to know the technical changes that were made.

Minor Irritation Fixed

Over the last year, both Firefox and Chrome kept caching data, so that occasionally, a user would make a comment or change an item of data, and despite our application informing the browser not to cache, the user would have to press F5 in which to update their view.  This was not on every screen, and upon investigation, it appears only to happen where there was what is known as an HTTP GET request.  This was traced to old code, and the code was updated in line with our new method of communication which is a POST request.  To be more exact, an HTTPS POST request.

Feature Requests

When you hover over the action icon, the “tip” now says “view XXXXXX” to assist in locating the correct icon to click.

In addition the screen was made slightly narrower by placing he “sort by” functionality on a new line under the search functionality.

We also changed the visibility of the “Subject” of a case to be soft blue.

Intermittent Coding Error

After using the search function on the main menu page, then clicking “Clear”, then “Refresh”, the search would reappear.  Obviously this was a coding error somewhere, and it was traced to a no delimiters around some SQL that clear the “sticky search” functionality.

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